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点击数:16 更新时间:2023-12-15
















In recent years, our country's environmental protection enterprise has taken on a new aspect, and the environmental quality of the city demonstrates resumptive momentum with the rapid development of the economy. But we should see that environmental problems in the countryside are becoming increasingly evident with the steady improvement of the urban environment. All kinds of pollution and ecological problems are interwoven, ecological damage is becoming more serious, agricultural environment is facing severe impact, and the interests of farmers are greatly harmed. The environmental problems in the countryside are urgent and need to be solved without delay.


country environment; non-point pollution; ecological agriculture

Writing Year



Since the reform and opening up, China's rural economic construction has made great achievements, but at the same time, it is also facing serious environmental pollution and ecological damage. The rural environment issues are in a vulnerable position, just like the agricultural industry and the vulnerable group of farmers. Due to the large gap between urban and rural areas and the excessive focus of the government on urban infrastructure construction and environmental protection, rural environmental problems are more prominent and serious than urban ones. The water pollution in rural areas is becoming increasingly severe, causing great harm to farmers' health and agricultural production. The deterioration of the rural water environment is mainly manifested in the following aspects.

Current Status of Rural Environmental Issues

1. The serious water pollution in rural areas

"Drinking and irrigation in the 1960s, rice washing in the 1970s, water quality deterioration in the 1980s, and now it is unbearable." This is a true portrayal of the changes in the rural water environment. Currently, nearly 300 million farmers in China are drinking water that does not meet hygiene standards, and some rural areas have problems such as high fluoride, high arsenic, bitterness, pollution, and schistosomiasis in drinking water. Long-term consumption of such water seriously affects the health of farmers. According to relevant surveys, more than 63 million people in rural areas in China are drinking water with excessive fluoride content. Long-term consumption of high-fluoride water can cause dental fluorosis in mild cases, and severe cases can cause osteoporosis, bone deformities, and even paralysis and loss of labor capacity. Water pollution not only seriously affects the health of farmers but also has a great impact on agricultural production. It can lead to reduced crop yields, the presence of toxic substances, and damage to the fishery industry. For example, in the major water pollution incident in the Huaihe River in 2004, fish and shrimp almost disappeared wherever the sewage went. Another example is in Yangzhuang Township, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, where the use of polluted water from the Kui River for rice irrigation resulted in poor quality rice with a strange taste. The causes of rural water pollution include industrial pollution, agricultural waste, and excessive use of fertilizers.

2. Industrial pollution and agricultural waste

Industrial pollution is an important cause of water pollution in rural areas. In order to improve the urban environment, many industrial pollution is continuously transferred to rural areas. Industrial wastewater is directly discharged into water bodies, causing pollution to rivers, lakes, and reservoirs. Farmers use these water sources for irrigation and drinking. In addition, agricultural waste and water aquaculture have caused increasing pollution to water bodies. A large amount of garbage, straw, human and animal feces, and the waste from aquaculture flow into water bodies, causing the deterioration of water quality. In recent years, due to the intensification and industrialization of poultry and livestock farming, the pollution caused by animal manure has increased significantly and has become an important source of pollution. According to surveys, the wastewater produced and discharged by raising a cow exceeds the wastewater produced by the daily life of 22 people, and the wastewater produced by raising a pig is equivalent to the wastewater produced by the daily life of 7 people. Most of the feces and wastewater from livestock and poultry farming by most farmers are directly discharged into rivers without any treatment. For example, in the Huangpu River Basin, the pollution from poultry and livestock manure accounts for more than 36% of the total pollutant load in the entire basin. Furthermore, pollution caused by excessive use of fertilizers is also alarming. Chemical fertilizers applied to the soil are only partially absorbed by crops, and most of them seep into groundwater under the action of rainwater or infiltrate into rivers, rice fields, and ponds through surface runoff. Groundwater is the main source of drinking water for people, and the excessive presence of nitrates and nitrites in water can cause harm. Nitrates can directly cause hypoxia or even death in infants. After nitrates enter the human body, they will quickly convert to nitrites in the mouth and intestines, forming nitrosamine compounds, which can cause digestive system cancers such as esophageal cancer and gastric cancer. Drinking such water can easily lead to illness. Currently, a large amount of chemical fertilizers flow into rivers, lakes, and reservoirs with farmland runoff.


Rural environmental problems have become a major issue that needs to be urgently resolved in China. By strengthening environmental governance, promoting the development of ecological agriculture, and strengthening legal accountability, rural environmental problems can be effectively solved, protecting the interests of farmers and promoting the sustainable development of the ecological environment.

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