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The ecosystem approach is a strategy of ecosystem management, which integrates various methods to solve complex social, economic, and ecological problems. This article briefly introduces the concept, principles, and characteristics of the ecosystem approach. From the perspective of environmental law, the article explores the significance of the ecosystem approach, aiming to provide reference for natural resource management and environmental management in China, and to inspire improvements in China's Environmental Protection Law.


Ecosystem Approach; Ecosystem Management; Conservation of Biological Diversity; Environment Protection Law


The concept of the ecosystem approach is a response of scientists to the global environmental and resource crisis. As a composite field of ecology, environmental science, and resource science, the ecosystem approach is a new interdisciplinary subject that combines natural sciences and humanities. It not only has rich scientific connotations but also has broad application prospects. The ecosystem approach has permeated many fields related to ecosystems, such as biodiversity conservation, natural resource management, environmental management, watershed management, and land use planning. The importance of applying the ecosystem approach has been increasingly recognized by the international community. Currently, China faces many severe problems in ecosystem management. The introduction and implementation of the ecosystem approach will play an important role in improving China's ecosystem management. Therefore, this article discusses the ecosystem approach and its guiding significance and reference value for China's Environmental Protection Law from the perspective of the development of environmental law in China.

The Concept and Principles of the Ecosystem Approach

The ecosystem approach (EA) is a new management approach gradually formed and developed in the process of exploring the coordinated development of humans and nature. It is a term proposed by Western ecologists, and there are several different translations by domestic scholars, such as ecosystem method, ecosystem approach, or ecosystem way. This article chooses the translation of ecosystem approach. Other terms similar to the concept of the ecosystem approach include ecosystem management, ecosystem management approach, and integrated ecosystem management. The idea of the ecosystem approach originated from the practical processes of the management of the Great Lakes basin and forest in the United States in the 1970s. Since the mid-1990s, this concept has gradually developed into the guiding principles and basic framework for the actions of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). Since the beginning of the 21st century, the ecosystem approach has been widely applied in global biodiversity conservation, ecosystem management, and natural resource management. Although the concept of the ecosystem approach has been proposed for more than ten years, there is still no academically recognized definition and theoretical framework. According to the definition of the CBD, the ecosystem approach is a strategy that integrates the management of land, water, and biological resources to promote their conservation and sustainable use. In fact, it is difficult to establish the definition of any new discipline. However, we can be sure that the ecosystem approach is not a specific ecosystem management method but a comprehensive method that integrates various disciplines, such as ecology, environmental science, resource science, sociology, and political science, to solve complex social, economic, and ecological problems in ecosystem management.

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