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Summary Procedure: A Justifiable Approach to Enhancing Substantive Justice and Legal Efficiency


In the pursuit of justice, legal systems around the world continuously strive to strike a balance between ensuring substantive justice and promoting efficiency. One approach that has gained recognition in this regard is the implementation of summary procedures. This article explores the justifiability and benefits of summary procedures in enhancing both substantive justice and legal efficiency.

Understanding Summary Procedure

Summary procedure refers to a simplified and expedited legal process that allows for the resolution of certain types of cases without the need for a full trial. It aims to streamline the legal process by eliminating unnecessary formalities and focusing on the key issues at hand.

Ensuring Substantive Justice

Summary procedures contribute to the attainment of substantive justice by providing a swift and accessible means of resolving disputes. They are particularly suitable for cases where the facts are straightforward and the legal issues are not complex. By expediting the resolution of such cases, summary procedures prevent unnecessary delays and ensure that justice is served in a timely manner.

Promoting Legal Efficiency

Efficiency is a vital aspect of any legal system, as it helps in the timely disposal of cases and reduces the burden on courts. Summary procedures play a crucial role in promoting legal efficiency by reducing the time and resources required for the resolution of certain types of cases. This allows courts to allocate their limited resources more effectively, thereby enhancing the overall efficiency of the legal system.

The Legitimization of Summary Procedure

The justifiability of summary procedures lies in their ability to strike a balance between the need for substantive justice and the imperative of legal efficiency. While critics argue that summary procedures may compromise the rights of parties involved, safeguards can be implemented to ensure fairness and due process. These safeguards may include the provision of adequate notice, the opportunity for parties to present their case, and the right to appeal.


Summary procedures offer a justifiable approach to enhancing both substantive justice and legal efficiency. By providing a streamlined process for the resolution of certain types of cases, summary procedures contribute to the timely delivery of justice while reducing the burden on courts. However, it is crucial to implement appropriate safeguards to protect the rights of parties involved and maintain the integrity of the legal system.
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